As seen on the amazing platform known as Instagram! Yeah yeah. Feeling the pinch of the over-promotion of Moab. We’re overrun with these slack jawed compulsive selfie addicts, so I thought a tribute would be nice. All thanks to the Moab Area Travel Council and social media…paradise lost. Hopefully the message will get out that Moab sucks now!
- Zombie Tourist Series #0
- Zombie Tourist Series #1
- Zombie Tourist Series #2
- Zombie Tourist Series #3
- Zombie Tourist Series #4
Okay Moab doesn’t actually suck generally, but do visit if: you enjoy waiting in astoundingly long lines of cars to get into Arches National Park; you enjoy big crowds at all the best spots; you enjoy a small town with big town traffic; you enjoy surly service from overworked local staff; you enjoy listening to the roar of UTVs all night long; well…come on down!