Mary Jane Canyon 3 Painting

Mary Jane Canyon #3 – 9″ x 12″ oils on canvas board

Here’s a scene I really love. I have a ton of pictures from this area that could make nice paintings. It’s not the kind of scene that I think I could go paint on location, the light changes very quickly in the morning.

This spot is called Mary Jane Canyon, and most people hike this route to its end at Mary Jane Canyon Falls. I painted the falls recently; see that one here. I will probably be painting scenes from here again!

Note: I doubt this spot is called “Mary Jane” for the reason you’re probably thinking!! It’s Utah, man.


I am Rich Cleveland, artist, musician, bike rider, & former web developer. I enjoy painting landscapes around my hometown of Moab Utah. Occasionally I will paint something from my imagination, using the desert or other landscape as inspiration. I also paint a few portraits and still lifes here and there.