Morning Glory Bridge 8″ x 10″ – oils on canvas
Just a little painting for you of Morning Glory Bridge in Grandstaff Canyon near Moab. A rare moment when this place was not crawling with tourists holding smartphones. I’ve been working on finally getting out of our laundry room, where I’ve been painting all this time because it has a nice big north-facing window with great light, and a sink. I’m moving into what was my music studio/jam room, which was built to be as soundproof as possible. So it has just one small window. I cleared it out and repainted, built some shelves and a nice high table (so I can stand up while painting), and added some nice 6000K lamps for good light. I’m planning to chop out a couple more north-facing windows as soon as I can, but until then, artificial light will have to suffice. Thanks for reading…whoever you are…does anyone read these posts? I guess I could enable comments, but it’s a PIA on this platform (WordPress) to keep it from blowing up with junk. I gotta rely on the dead zone of my contact page.