Zombie Tourist Series

As seen on the amazing platform known as Instagram! Yeah yeah. Feeling the pinch of the over-promotion of Moab. We’re overrun with these slack jawed compulsive selfie addicts, so I thought a tribute would be nice. All thanks to the Moab Area Travel Council and social media…paradise lost. Hopefully the Read more…

Painting of Nefertiti rock formation in Arches National Park


Nefertiti – 8″ x 10″ oils on canvas. SOLD The formation on the right that looks like a motor oil container probably has a name but I don’t know it. Thanks for reading! #nefertiti #archesnationalpark #moaboilpainting #moabartist #moabart #oilpainter #originalart #moabmade #desertpainting #canyonpainting #canyonart #outdoorart #naturepainting #landscape #landscapepainting #utahart

Thompson Springs Pontiac

The T-Ride

The T-Ride – 100TH POST on Instagram! A while ago I took a pic of this Pontiac in Thompson Springs, UT with my friend Mark. Finally got around to painting it. 9″ x 12″ oils on canvas. I also just realized that my cellphone camera has been ruining photos of Read more…

PicketPost Mountain Painting

Picketpost Mountain (Superior, AZ)

Picketpost Mountain – 9″ x 12″ oils on canvas From a recent trip to Superior, AZ to visit the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. It was nice to paint something different (other than Moab stuff). The winter weather in Superior was amazing, but my wife Katie and I were sick with the Read more…

A painting of Turret Arch From North Window

Turret Arch From North Window

Turret Arch From North Window – 8″ x 10″ oils on canvas This is one of six paintings commissioned by @madmoose.events for this month; total will be 34 paintings for 2023-2024. Thanks Justin & Denise! Calls for 8×10 format, but I’m definitely looking forward to painting this one bigger. It was a Read more…